Sunday, March 10, 2013

Papers submitted to the Bishop

Today we submitted Matt's paperwork through the online system and just have to wait now for the Bishop to call to meet with Matt in order to sign off on the submission.  Then it goes to the Stake President for the same thing, and then he sends it onto Salt Lake.

We spent this afternoon finishing the last bit needed to submit, which was his photo.  The guidelines say they need to be taken in full missionary attire, groomed according to mission standards, so, as Matt wanted his pictures taken outside, and it just happens to be a gorgeous, sun shiney day, we took most of them in the  backyard.  The few we did take inside just didn't turn out as nice as the outdoor shots.

The official photo sent with his paperwork.  

His medical paperwork should be sent by Monday, unless there are problems with the test results, which, I don't think there will be, but, you just never know.

It all feels a bit unreal right now.  Our two older boys did not serve missions, one because choices and circumstances prevented it, and the other simply fell away from the church.  Matthew will be the first missionary ever to serve from both sides of our family.  It's so exciting, and still, I have plenty of moments of sadness that I will not have my boy here with me for two years.  I'm not sure how I'll get through letting him go, but, he will be in the Lord's hands and will have a good mission family surrounding him all the time.

1 comment:

  1. I ran into your blog via pinterest! Our son leaves on May 22 to serve in Canada. We are so excited, but I can understand your feeling of sadness as well. Sometimes my heart catches in my chest, like I can't breath when I think of him not being around for 2 years! But then I calmly remind myself that this is exactly what we have taught him and have wanted him to do his whole life! There is no where else we would want him to be than serving the Lord! We WILL miss him, but I know that these will be two of his BEST years ever and we will be blessed for the sacrifice we make as well.
    It is amazing the PEACE that comes when they open their mission call! It is like it all just falls into place, because it is exactly where they are supposed to serve. If you haven't already, you should look up on youtube the video of Elder Rasband talking about how mission calls are made. We LOVED it and watched it several times as we waited for the mission call to arrive. You will do great! We missionary moms stick together and support each other! Congrats!
